1. Type: painting canvas, painting paper
2. Size: A3: 42x29.7cm / A4: 29.7x21cm / A5: 21x14.8cm
3. Thickened encrypted canvas, semi-oil-absorbing is not easy to leak
4. Suitable for painting texture and level of acrylic paint
5. With clear and rough texture, strong pigment adhesion
6. Material: drawing paper
A3: 10 sheets / pack, 0.57kg
A4: 10 sheets / bag, 0.28kg
A5: 10 sheets / bag, 0.20kg
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2. Size: A3: 42x29.7cm / A4: 29.7x21cm / A5: 21x14.8cm
3. Thickened encrypted canvas, semi-oil-absorbing is not easy to leak
4. Suitable for painting texture and level of acrylic paint
5. With clear and rough texture, strong pigment adhesion
6. Material: drawing paper
A3: 10 sheets / pack, 0.57kg
A4: 10 sheets / bag, 0.28kg
A5: 10 sheets / bag, 0.20kg